Saturday, 20 February 2016

12 Basic Shinobi Principles

Like the Spirit Hidden Within a Young Bamboo
    These are not those principles we often call 18 principles or 18 disciplines rather they are like a set of rules like the code of Bushido that I had personally compiled and written a few years back, based on my own understanding of the 'way of Shinobi' and have no historical basis (specifically in an arranged order), though they were followed in some way by Shinobi of the old days and I found them to have been the base of Shinobi teachings and what I thought a person must follow to be deemed as a true Shinobi. These are circumstantial, meaning that the meaning of these may change based on the situation at present or may not be followed at all. It also depend on the type of Shinobi you are working on. I have tried to explain somewhat but most meanings of these can only be understood through word of mouth or practice. Here they are for a public reading but understanding of a few. I am presenting them almost the same as I had written them earlier.

The 12 basic shinobi principles:
1. Stealth: Nin/Shinobi literally means 'to hide'; ja means 'people'. so Ninja means 'hidden people'. Stealth is the most essential to be a ninja. He must at least not show his true intentions.

2. Silence: Silence is Golden. A ninja must know how to work his out through silence. He must know when to speak, when to keep silent and make his move. Internal silence is also important.

3. Respect: Respect others so you will be respected. A ninja must respect his Master. He must respect his elders; respect the feelings of others even if enemy; respect nature and praise what is good. He must earn his reputation through works other may not appreciate at the moment but will praise later. A ninja is not measured by how he lives rather how he dies - He dies a honorable death.

4. Endurance: Things which can not be cured must be Endured. Shinobi has another of its meaning of 'to Endure'. A ninja has the ability to turn what others think is impossible into possible but things may get weary at times. He must move with great endurance to every difficulty he faces, every punch he gets, every cut that he gets at his skin. Finally he needs a will to 'never give up'.

5. Balance: Balance is the key to the door of success. A shinobi lives a life of good balance in his habits. He must keep a good balance of good balance between good and bad. Excess of anything is destructive. If he is too light he will get faded; if he is too shady he will disappear in the darkness. Anything that loses balance eventually fall and breakdown.

6. Emotions: Emotions show weakness, on the other hand it can be a tool to make our way. A shinobi knows to control his emotions fitting the situation. He must stay cool & calm and shouldn't let himself carried away by his emotions. He must know to use the emotions of his opponent and his own to settle the situation. Killing off emotions too is unwise for a ninja.

7. Freedom and Loyalty: A ninja is a freedom fighter. Throughout history ninjas fought for freedom. Their ways although unsupportive but they fought to get freedom for themselves and their fellows, villagers or those enslaved -freedom against the unruly masters, the landlords -daimyō, the warlords- the elite Samurai, freedom from the ties of age, poverty and hunger. A ninja practices freedom of his from worldly ties and desires. He is loyal to his master and sticks to his mission.

8. Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility. A shinobi must know his position in system and society and criticalness of the situation. He must know the difference between what he should do and what he wants to do. A Shinobi must show good focus and responsibility to his mission. Being responsible makes a man perfect. A good Ninja cares for the welfare of others neglecting himself. He himself live in the shadows while giving light to others.

9. Unity: Drops when unify create oceans. A ninja meditates to become 'one' with nature. He follows the philosophy that all things in this universe are created of one soul. The light of that still unifies them. One thing is being dependent on the other to make this whole one system of the universe. Thus he seeks to cross the limits and gain oneness with everything that lies in the limit of his mind and soul i.e infinity. Through this unity he gains immerse power and control over his surroundings which become unbelievable to a normal eye.

10. Awareness: Living in the now moment, being able to think, just being able to do all that is a miracle in itself. A ninja must be well aware of his surroundings; he must be living in the present moment; he must be a knowledgeable person at least knowing the current affairs related to his mission. He must use his power of knowledge and must be able to know from unknowns by inferences and predictions from the current knowledge. He must know the basic laws of nature and to use them to his purpose. A Shinobi through practicing awareness of himself and his surrounding thus becomes finally able to reach long distances from a single place. He eventually gains so much awareness as to feel the whole nature a part of his body.

11. Illusion and reality: Look deep into the ocean of reality, you will find illusions everywhere. Illusions and Reality are both made of each other. A true ninja has the ability to turn illusion into reality and look through the illusions of reality. He uses both to his advantage whenever needed, whatever needed.

12. Battle Tactics: To a Ninja everything is a tool, the greatest tool being his own mind. A ninja fights his own way using the rules of 'like never before' and 'expect the unexpected'. He uses whatever tools he gets to use in battle; his own body, his soul and everything around him is a tool for him. He gets advantage of the surrounding, luring his enemy to the battle grounds which suites him best. Timing is crucial. He uses experiences of the past, theme of the present and prediction & estimation of the future & results of his decisions. He lives every moment of life. And he commonly do everything in calculated time. He uses the tool of deception. Words are just another tool used to deceive others.


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