Continued from the previous part...
3. Kumogakure-ryu Ninpō: Kumogakure: 'clouds-hidden village' is another school of ninpō. It is famous for its unique fiery masks and demon style techniques, used to scare the guts out of a person. The famous Sarutobi Sasuke is also said to be from this ryu. The Soké lineage is as:
4. Shinden Fudo-ryu Dakentaijutsu: Literally meaning "Immovable Spirit School of Striking Free-body Techniques". Founded by Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru and based upon the teachings of Chinese Kempo Boxing. The Soké lineage is as:
3. Kumogakure-ryu Ninpō: Kumogakure: 'clouds-hidden village' is another school of ninpō. It is famous for its unique fiery masks and demon style techniques, used to scare the guts out of a person. The famous Sarutobi Sasuke is also said to be from this ryu. The Soké lineage is as:
Kumogakure-ryu Soké Lineage |
4. Shinden Fudo-ryu Dakentaijutsu: Literally meaning "Immovable Spirit School of Striking Free-body Techniques". Founded by Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru and based upon the teachings of Chinese Kempo Boxing. The Soké lineage is as: